Can borrowers be trusted to reschedule their own loans?

Financial Access Initiative, 13 September 2012

I have written before how tiny Zidisha Microfinance is challenging long-held assumptions by leveraging internet social media and mobile payments like M-PESA to lend to clients without the help of loan officers or local staff.  Since then, Zidisha has grown from tiny to small, with a portfolio now at $200,000, over 430 active borrowers, not to mention its 1400+ lenders.  And, as before, its operations remain solid, with PAR30 at a respectable 6.6%[1] (check out its stats for more).

I’ve been advising Zidisha since before its launch in 2010, and with that had the opportunity to watch the evolution of the platform’s many innovations.  One feature, introduced in August 2011, allows borrowers to request to reschedule their loans, regardless of whether they are delinquent or not.  more →

What’s wrong and what’s right about consumer finance?

Financial Access Initiative, 8 May 2012

It’s the microfinance bête noire.  The great unspeakable.  The furtive shadow slinking down the narrow alleys of poverty.  Yes, the consumer loan.  Has microfinance really come to this, we ask?  Helping the poor buy a TV?  Charging 40% interest for the couch to go in front of that TV?  And what about family celebrations, festivals, dowries?  Is that really what microcredit is for?

Consumption lending has been creeping out from the shadows for some time, but mostly for “good” consumption like school fees, urgent medical care, or basic needs like food during those difficult periods when income is scarce.  Still, for many of us the TV-on-credit notion that represents what is so easy to think of as “bad” consumption remains too painful an idea to swallow.

But how to draw the line?  If not the TV, then what about a microwave?  A motorbike?  Plumbing in the home?  Is there a framework one can use to evaluate when consumer credit is acceptable and when it is not?  No less importantly, how does an institution dedicated to serving poor customers decide what type of funding mechanism – savings or credit – is more appropriate for a given purpose?  more →

Repairing a Tarnished Image: a Plea for Transparency in Indian Microfinance

MicrofinanceFocus, 28 March 2012

Last month, the headlines of the world’s papers read déjà vu.  “Suicides in India linked to microfinance debt.”  “SKS Microfinance implicated in farmer suicides.”  The headlines may have differed, but the article was one and the same, penned by Erika Kinetz of the Associated Press.  SKS was appalled, calling the report “libelous” and “scurrilous.”

For what it’s worth, the damage has been minimal.  SKS stock slid 4.25% on the day of the article, but recovered within a few days of trading.  The slide shows little distinction from its already volatile trading pattern (Figure 1).  Of course bad news can also cause lenders and investors to take a second look, or simply slow things down.  One MFI manager told me of exactly this very reaction on the part of an Indian bank in the immediate days after the AP article.  But the story got relatively little press in India, and no follow-up of significance.  By now it’s reasonable to say that the microfinance sector in India can breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing bad news get swept back under the carpet can be quite satisfying, even if the stink remains. more →

The Economics of Microsavings: High-yield loans as the lynchpin of deposit-driven microfinance

Financial Access Initiative, 6-13 February 2012

I have a confession to make.  When I began composing this blog, I approached it with a fairly simple hypothesis:  Microfinance institutions (MFIs) that engage in large-scale deposit taking must likewise grow their loan portfolios.  After all, deposits are a source of funding with high operational cost that must be appropriately offset by growing revenue, and only microfinance portfolios provide yields high enough to achieve that.  And because many poor families have a higher demand for savings services than for credit, the resulting over-liquidity could push MFIs into unsustainable portfolio growth, eventually leading to the very credit bubbles that microsavings advocates are trying to avoid.

It seems a reasonable enough hypothesis, and sufficiently controversial to be interesting.  Trouble is, it’s not true.  Reality turns out to be more complicated.   more →

Freedom to Default: dealing with overindebtedness when all else fails

Financial Access Initiative, 11 January 2012; Microfinance Focus, 14 January 2012

If there’s one microfinance word that rose above all others in 2011, it’s overindebtedness. As of the time of writing, it racks up the highest count on CGAP blog’s tag cloud (not counting generic terms like “microfinance”).  It seems fitting, then, to start 2012 with a blog post on this very subject.

When we talk about overindebtedness, it usually comes for the perspective of the industry’s responsibility, whether the MFI, funders, or regulators. Prevention of overindebtedness came up as the most widely evaluated client protection principle in the Smart Campaign’s survey of social rating agencies and microfinance investors.

This is, of course, all right and proper. It is the industry’s job to practice responsible lending, and avoiding overindebting clients deserves a place at the top of that agenda. But no matter the level of diligence on the part of lenders and financial education provided to clients, some borrowers will still become overindebted – be it because of bad business decisions, destabilizing macroeconomic shifts, or simply a string of bad luck. So what becomes of clients that, despite best efforts, still become overindebted? more →

Unstable Core: is the funding of the Indian microfinance sector structurally flawed?

MicrofinanceFocus, 27 December 2011

On October 14, 2010, the Andhra Pradesh government issued an Ordinance that effectively shut down the microfinance market in the state.  That shutdown continues to this day, with collections at negligible levels.  It’s clear that the AP microfinance market is dead and will not recover for years.

Important as AP has been to India microfinance, it is not everything.  Despite the year-long crisis, repayment rates in other states remain strong.  And though AP-oriented MFIs have been seriously or even terminally wounded, others have remained unscathed.

Despite this, in the intervening period funding for MFIs – largely dependent on a handful of Indian state and commercial banks – has persisted in a state of severe liquidity deficit.  more →

Rethinking Multiple Borrowing

Financial Access Initiative, 14 September 2011; MicrofinanceFocus, 15 September 2011

Some time ago, I had a conversation with a microfinance investor.  What is the greatest challenge facing the sector? – I asked.  His answer:  multiple borrowing – multiple borrowing getting people into too much debt; multiple borrowing transforming micro-enterprise lending into consumer finance; multiple borrowing rewriting the traditional relationship between MFIs and their clients.

Of course, multiple borrowing is present in all of these cases.  But thinking about multiple borrowing along these lines misunderstands the basic situation. Multiple borrowing isn’t a reflection of some recent or extreme developments to be ascribed to runaway growth, greed, or willing ignorance.  And despite press articles to the contrary, it is neither a result of heavy market penetration, nor even saturation. No, multiple borrowing is an intrinsic part of the practice, one that has been with us for years. more →

Financial Inclusion and the Morality of Thrift

Financial Access Initiative, 27 July 2011

Expansion of financial inclusion through savings has grown immensely as a focal point in microfinance policy and leadership circles over the past couple of years.  Recent market crises where overindebtedness played a major role have only increased the urgency of this objective.

The focus isn’t unwarranted.  As Tim Ogden points out in an earlier post, the upside of asset accumulation is obvious, while there’s no comparable risk of over-saving as there is with over-indebtedness.

Much research has been done to examine the savings practices of the world’s poor, with the implicit objective of developing better savings services.  Some of the most enlightening findings come from Portfolios of the Poor, and from Stuart Rutherford’s work with SafeSave in Bangladesh.  One interesting finding from this line of research suggests that expanding financial inclusion through savings doesn’t end with offering opportunities to save, but also requires creating obligations to save. more →

Bring Microfinance into Politics

MicrofinanceFocus, 7 July 2011

It seems wherever you turn these days, politics is getting into microfinance. In Andhra Pradesh, the state government exercised its prerogative to kill off an entire industry. Next door in Bangladesh, Prime Minister Hasina decided to hound Yunus out of Grameen Bank, no matter the cost. The No Pago (No Pay) movement in Nicaragua counted on the support of the country’s president. What’s the industry to do in the face of such onslaught?

Weathering the Storm identified state intervention as one of the core risks faced by MFIs. It drew its lessons from the case of PADME in Benin, which was effectively nationalized by the government in 2008. At the time, PADME was in the process of transforming from an NGO to a for-profit entity, and the Benin government had made clear from the start that it was not in favor of such a plan. Despite this, PADME’s management and prospective investors had decided to push ahead, thinking that they would be able to parry the government’s attempts to block the process.

They were wrong. more →

Microfinance without the MFI? Zidisha tests the boundaries of microlending methodology

Financial Access Initiative, 5 July 2011

What does a microlending operation look like?  Well, it may be a bank or an NGO (and many others in between), it probably has some branches, branch managers, loan officers.  The funding of the MFI may come from deposits or from debt, whether from a local or foreign institution, including from online platforms such as Kiva.  There may be variations on these themes, but that pretty much describes microlending as we know it.

What if you took all that away – the branches, the loan officers, the institutional funders?  Could the lending still work?  Well, one model is that of Zidisha Microfinance, an online lending platform that connects lenders in (mostly) developed countries with borrowers in developing ones.  And, unlike Kiva, the connections are real – borrowers create their own online profiles, post their own loan applications, and make their own repayments.  They also post their own comments, as do the lenders.  There is no local MFI intermediary – it is literally the first true person-to-person (P2P) microfinance lending platform in the world. more →